Saturday 12 December 2015

Perak - Pulau Pangkor - 邦咯岛


想到马来西亚的沙滩, 连带也会想到椰林.  此趟我特别预约了到邦咯岛椰林民宿歇一歇.  

椰林度假屋真的网络上的照片一样, 干净整洁又明亮, 价格也便宜, 非常适合一家人亲子游.   我们预约了一间七人房和一间六人房, 房间非常的舒适, 让我们两家人渡过了两个非常开心的夜晚.  

度假屋很贴心的附有个大凉台, 可以晒我们从沙滩狂欢后回来的衣物, 又可以让大伙儿坐在一起聊天晒月光.  

另一个小贴心是度假屋内的小泳池, 是我们在下午烈日当空时, 最好处理那班精力无限小瓜的好地方.  


交通与玩乐安排, 我都是通过 JAI 处理的, 因为这马来人的口杯不错, 价格也相当的合理.  

我们向JAI租了两辆车, 参加了他的水上配套A.  一切都很满意, 唯一的埋怨就是他们的沙滩好刺脚, 这样的脚底按摸我受不了啦! 


阿姨和表哥最满意的是福记海鲜楼老板的服务和价格便宜又新鲜美味的海鲜, 我们三天都到福记报到呢!  

Sunday 15 November 2015

Perak - Kuala Kurau 瓜拉古楼 - Ikan Kurau Homestay

一开始不知道自己是来干什么的, 来到后就了解, 人生需要一个放空的空间, 就是这里了....

瓜拉古楼 的地势位于河口, 而且当地居民曾在此处发现大量顺风鱼, 因此民宿就命名 
Ikan Kurau Homestay. 
这是个安静的渔村, 也只有简简单单几条街, 却到处充满了笑容和人情味.  如果想远离繁忙冷漠的城市生活, 就来古楼街脚瞎逛, 在茶餐室和当地人瞎聊, 在到Ikan Kurau Homestay渡过一个满天星光的夜晚吧!

Sunday 10 March 2013

Perak - Gopeng - Adeline Villa 務邊

如果你用來走這一趟務邊之旅, 務邊是個歷史文化古鎮。   務邊在1850年開埠以來,曾因盛產錫米和橡膠而輝煌一時。  當時大馬盛行一句話:“沒有錫米就沒有務邊,沒有橡膠就沒有工作”(No Tin No Gepeng, No Rubber No Job),這意味著,務邊是靠著錫米和橡膠業來維持當地的經濟命脈。 從輝煌時期到城鎮的沒落, 你可到務邊博物館<懷古樓>細細聆聽与感受。 

和友人住宿于 Gopeng Adeline Villa 打算輕輕松松用心感受務邊山林之美。

Adeline Villa 多人間, 兩天一夜, 一人RM188 包豐盛晚餐,夜宵,早餐和午餐。  食物真的很豐盛, 很好吃, 廚師超棒的, 絕對有五星的水準。 

我們沒預定任何活動 結果當場參加別人的森林徒步+瀑布探索(一人RM30)  瀑布水超冷的, 很過癮噢!


Gopeng is a small town located about 18km south of Ipoh and 16km north of Kampar in Perak of Malaysia. It is about 200km north of Malaysia's capital city, Kuala Lumpur.

Gopeng is blessed with a rich natural environment surrounding. With many crystal clear rivers, streams, local and native villages, orchards, nearby caves, waterfalls, flora and fauna, it is a harmonious blend of nature and diversity to offer you the perfect getaway to nature and eco-adventure.

With some trekking and adventure in the nearby Malaysian rainforest, you will be rewarded with the unique sightings of the world's largest flower, the rare Rafflesia flower, the beautiful Rajah Brooke butterflies, the giant stick insect, wild animals like slow loris, civet cats, sun bear, and many others. This vast area is waiting for the nature lovers and adventurous enthusiasts to explore further.

Sunday 22 July 2012

Pahang - 珍德拜Janda Baik – Zaini Guest House

這次終於有機會寄宿于Zaini Guest House了。  之前邀了老朋友好幾次都無法成行, 讓我對這淳樸的鄉間竹屋囤積了滿懷的歉意。  這次我終於如願以賞啦!  与同事互相邀約來個逃離鋼鐵城市的山林徒步越野之旅. 

珍德拜離吉隆坡約一小時車程, 可是大部份的人只知道云頂, Janda Baik的路牌也許有一絲絲印象, 卻都沒看見身側邊的這個幽靜天堂。 

看見同事們開心享受著我們的大自然, 我何其榮幸。  我們徒步山澗, 攀山涉水, 在林間享用露營式的有機午餐。  夜裡在 Tanah Rimba Punto Café禪林氛圍里悠然自在地品嚐我們的豐盛晚餐。  這一夜獨有的星空讓身體極其疲勞的我們好不捨得睡去。  深夜里 Zaini和村民業餘樂手的排練与蛙嚎蟲鳴此起彼伏穿梭然並淹蓋了我們的夢鄉。。。。。


Zaini Guest House 門口, 不小心看可找不著噢!

我們投宿的Bamboo House

出發囉!  Zaini 以四輪驅動把我們送到徒步的入口處。 


哇! 小瀑布。。。




累弊了! 回民宿歇一歇。。。



來個印度人招牌動作 - 躲樹桐。 

得回家了, 好不捨得呢!

Zaini GuestHouse is located at the end of an extended village (composed of five kampung) of around 1,700 impermanent souls. This area is a Malay Reserve.Malay reservation land for the indigenous Malays and they have named it Janda Baik (which means the Kind Widow). If you look at the maps, you will see that Janda Baik is positioned on the highlands of the largest state in Peninsular Malaysia - Pahang, where the famous 130 million years virgin rainforest National Park - Taman Negara is to be found. Therefore, the surrounding jungle is still relatively undisturbed; indeed one can find numerous rivers and waterfalls as well as luxuriant flora and some hidden wildlife (that can be spotted by the patient and observant adventurer).

Sunday 30 October 2011

Perak - Taiping - Sentosa Villa


一個豪華的心靈憩息站。 太平圣淘沙渡假屋就在太平山腳下, 徒步去太平山四輪驅動出發站也不過十分鐘。 夜宿于這山明水秀之地, 在環山的翠綠和鳥鳴花香中甦醒, 人生還夫复何求?

太平不算是個大城鎮 ,所以從太平圣淘沙渡假屋驅車往太平其他景點 ,比如太平湖, 太平動物園, 博物館, 舊巴剎等等, 都會在十五分鐘之內 。

Sentosa Villa is a resort amongst the luxurious elegant country house in Taiping. We are located between the beautiful Maxwell Hill and the famous Taiping Lake Garden, the first public garden established during the British colonial era in Malaya.

You can breath the cool refreshing air which you will miss in the city centre. Sentosa Vila is surrounded by lush of greenery and flowing stream. Each morning you will wake up by the chirping of the birds perch on the branches outside your window and you are able to touch the beautiful butterfly.

You will be rejuvenated of mind and body at the end of your journey.

Saturday 29 October 2011

Perak - Sungkai Felda Hotspring

Sungkai 溫泉安安靜靜地躺在一個馬來村莊內側的棕油園內, 環境舒適幽靜, 讓你完完全全擺脫日常生活上的壓力。

每年的齋戒月這裡都有優惠, 雙人套房才一百零吉, 包括早餐和溫泉區門票, 划算得很。 區區一百元就可以讓兩個人輕輕鬆鬆地渡過一個清幽的週末。




If you are looking for a unique holiday with your family, try this park and you will be fascinated with the facilities provided here. This place was built at a cost of RM6 million and was opened in December 2003. It is reputed to be one of the best managed hot spring in Malaysia and is located 200 feet above the sea level at the foothill of the Titiwangsa Range, the backbone range of Peninsular Malaysia. Once you arrive here, you will be amazed by the lush greeneries, hills, streams and rivers that abounds in the vicinity.

The hot spring is one of the other alternative to modern day spa centres. Spas have become one of the attractions in many hotels and resorts in this region. Many believed that the natural springs have healing properties that will help toheal and detoxify toxic from your body. Those with stiff muscles, stiff joints, rheumatism, spinal injuries, insomnia andskin related problems should consider soaking themselves here

Egg boiling

N.Sembilan - Simpang Pertang - Kee's Farm 緣憩林

田園民宿 – 緣憩林

這座招待有緣人來此憩息的田園農莊坐落在森美蘭州葫蘆頂新村。 因地勢傾高, 叢樹圍繞, 空氣尤為清新涼爽。

遼闊的13英畝田園种了各種各樣的蔬菜水果。 園主以其永續耕種的法則讓牲畜,家禽和農作物在自然條件下相輔相剋, 以達到自然共存的平衡, 並把收成的當季新鮮有机蔬菜水果和家禽都供應給當地新村居民。 民宿里的主要建築材料都是木板, 木桐, 竹竿和亞答。 這些建材都比較環保和散熱,可是就比較得花心思保養和照顧。 由此可見 園主是如此用心地關注著我們的地球和環境。

在緣憩林里你可以悠閒地垂釣, 騎鐵馬, 遊園採果或養羊喂鴨。 夜裡你還可以夜觀星空, 品茗徹談, 或熱鬧的舉辦個燒烤大會。 別忘記早起的鳥兒有虫吃, 晨曦初露時分是可以跟隨園工收集剛下的鴨蛋, 很有趣味的。

Kee’s Farmstay is a 13 acres fertile land farming variety of tropical fruits, vegetables and animals.

The crops and poultries are raised in natural farming method with organic fertilizers and fodders thus providing truly organic foods that are pesticide-free for healthy living.

Weave your way through relaxing landscapes and quiet lanes to pull up at the farm, with a warm greeting from your host.

Visitors have everything they need to ensure a comfortable stay together with great farming experience.

It is perfectly placed for short breaks or family holidays, an overnight stop on long journeys or as a restful haven at the end of the working day.