GK 有機農場坐落在Bangi, Selangor, 是個足以讓人放鬆心情,接觸大自然的小角落。
行 程 開 始 于 園 主 甘 先 生 的 盛 情 解 說 , 讓 我 們 了 解 GK 建 立 的 過 程 与 理 念, 並 與 大 家 分 享 環 保 和 永 續 耕 種 的 各 個 觀 點。 然 後 就 帶 大 家 赤 足 參 觀 菜 園 , 分 享 有 機 土 和 有 機 茶 的 製 作 過 程。 過 後 就是 大 家 期 待 的 犒 賞 - 美 味的素 食 自 助 午 餐。
GK Organic Farm run by Gan Koon Chai & Kazumi Fujimura. Farm visits are organized monthly.
How to visit GK Organic Farm?
1. Form your own group. You may form your own group with a minimum pax of 20 (min 15 adults) and go for your preferred date that best suits your group. Good for family gathering, friends-get-together, company retreat / brainstorming session.
2. Join our Open Farm Visit. The open farm visit conducted every 2nd & 4th week of Sunday is to cater for smaller group or individual. Please check our calendar for the next available dates.
3. Go for our Special Packages
a. Kindergarten / Primary School Students (simple lunch with planting & harvesting activities. Students will bring back their own plant & harvest of the day. )
b. Secondary School / University Students (simple lunch or full buffet lunch with harvesting activity. Students will bring back their own harvest of the day.)
To ensure minimum food wastage, they cook only for the booked number of guests. To join the Farm Visit, you will need to pre-book with minimum 50% deposit.
For more information, please contact:
Email :gk_organicfarm@yahoo.com
For Secondary School or University packages, please contact:
Mobile: Cheryl Lee +6 012-3910 960
Email: cheryl5796@gmail.com
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