Saturday 29 October 2011

N.Sembilan - Simpang Pertang - Kee's Farm 緣憩林

田園民宿 – 緣憩林

這座招待有緣人來此憩息的田園農莊坐落在森美蘭州葫蘆頂新村。 因地勢傾高, 叢樹圍繞, 空氣尤為清新涼爽。

遼闊的13英畝田園种了各種各樣的蔬菜水果。 園主以其永續耕種的法則讓牲畜,家禽和農作物在自然條件下相輔相剋, 以達到自然共存的平衡, 並把收成的當季新鮮有机蔬菜水果和家禽都供應給當地新村居民。 民宿里的主要建築材料都是木板, 木桐, 竹竿和亞答。 這些建材都比較環保和散熱,可是就比較得花心思保養和照顧。 由此可見 園主是如此用心地關注著我們的地球和環境。

在緣憩林里你可以悠閒地垂釣, 騎鐵馬, 遊園採果或養羊喂鴨。 夜裡你還可以夜觀星空, 品茗徹談, 或熱鬧的舉辦個燒烤大會。 別忘記早起的鳥兒有虫吃, 晨曦初露時分是可以跟隨園工收集剛下的鴨蛋, 很有趣味的。

Kee’s Farmstay is a 13 acres fertile land farming variety of tropical fruits, vegetables and animals.

The crops and poultries are raised in natural farming method with organic fertilizers and fodders thus providing truly organic foods that are pesticide-free for healthy living.

Weave your way through relaxing landscapes and quiet lanes to pull up at the farm, with a warm greeting from your host.

Visitors have everything they need to ensure a comfortable stay together with great farming experience.

It is perfectly placed for short breaks or family holidays, an overnight stop on long journeys or as a restful haven at the end of the working day.

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