Sunday 10 March 2013

Perak - Gopeng - Adeline Villa 務邊

如果你用來走這一趟務邊之旅, 務邊是個歷史文化古鎮。   務邊在1850年開埠以來,曾因盛產錫米和橡膠而輝煌一時。  當時大馬盛行一句話:“沒有錫米就沒有務邊,沒有橡膠就沒有工作”(No Tin No Gepeng, No Rubber No Job),這意味著,務邊是靠著錫米和橡膠業來維持當地的經濟命脈。 從輝煌時期到城鎮的沒落, 你可到務邊博物館<懷古樓>細細聆聽与感受。 

和友人住宿于 Gopeng Adeline Villa 打算輕輕松松用心感受務邊山林之美。

Adeline Villa 多人間, 兩天一夜, 一人RM188 包豐盛晚餐,夜宵,早餐和午餐。  食物真的很豐盛, 很好吃, 廚師超棒的, 絕對有五星的水準。 

我們沒預定任何活動 結果當場參加別人的森林徒步+瀑布探索(一人RM30)  瀑布水超冷的, 很過癮噢!


Gopeng is a small town located about 18km south of Ipoh and 16km north of Kampar in Perak of Malaysia. It is about 200km north of Malaysia's capital city, Kuala Lumpur.

Gopeng is blessed with a rich natural environment surrounding. With many crystal clear rivers, streams, local and native villages, orchards, nearby caves, waterfalls, flora and fauna, it is a harmonious blend of nature and diversity to offer you the perfect getaway to nature and eco-adventure.

With some trekking and adventure in the nearby Malaysian rainforest, you will be rewarded with the unique sightings of the world's largest flower, the rare Rafflesia flower, the beautiful Rajah Brooke butterflies, the giant stick insect, wild animals like slow loris, civet cats, sun bear, and many others. This vast area is waiting for the nature lovers and adventurous enthusiasts to explore further.

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